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Hey Family! 

Welcome to Ryane's Lane. 


My name is Ryane (the E is silent- pronounced "Ryan"). I'm 25 years old and ya girl is currently in medical school. 


I started this blog because in the last couple of years God has dramatically changed me. I've gone from being   "low-key pro Jesus" to now, unapologetically standing in God's standards for my life. I want to share with you how I got here. 


This blog will be a collection of my personal stories including-  my failures, successes, life changing moments, my struggles with doubt and confidence,  professional school, family and friends, and even "adulting" (what is that even?), and how God has showed up and massively impacted me in each and every season. I'll also share specific scriptures that have held me in the past and continue to hold me down through the chaos now. 


Fair warning: I'll probably definitely drops some randoms gems in here too- like how in another life I would love to be an anterior designer, being a Black med student, therapy, or my new found obsession with candles. 

​I hope this blog inspires, encourages, and uplifts you in your faith journey where ever that may be! Thanks for riding this journey with me. 



Ryane Elizabeth 

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